Get CaseViewNet Client for your next realtime event.
Live testimony immediately appears on your computer screen as the court reporter writes realtime into your CaseViewNet Client software. Any court reporter’s software can send realtime to the free CaseViewNet Client using traditional realtime serial cables, splitters and adapters.
- Free download
- No tokens
- No registration
- No compliance issues
- No compatibility problems
Ask for a Case CATalyst® / CaseViewNet
reporter to make it even better!
Instead of wasting time with cables and adapters, use WiFi technology to get on the record right away. Even if you arrive late, you’ll receive the entire transcript immediately so you won’t miss a thing.
All the above benefits plus …
- RapidRefresh™ for cleaner realtime
- Simple WiFi connection
- No cables, adapters, splitters
The CaseViewNet advantage!
- The testimony is immediately available on your computer screen for reference without asking the court reporter to read it back or to write time-consuming notes during testimony.
- RapidRefresh™ instantly updates your computer throughout the day as the reporter makes changes, such as adding proper names or special vocabulary, giving you the cleanest rough-draft transcript possible. Again, only available when you ask for a Case CATalyst® / CaseViewNet provider.
- You walk away from the proceeding with the best possible draft of the transcript.
- Testimony can be issue-coded or categorized as it is occurring.

The CaseViewNet advantage!
- The testimony is immediately available on your computer screen for reference without asking the court reporter to read it back or to write time-consuming notes during testimony.
- RapidRefresh™ instantly updates your computer throughout the day as the reporter makes changes, such as adding proper names or special vocabulary, giving you the cleanest rough-draft transcript possible. Again, only available when you ask for a Case CATalyst® / CaseViewNet provider.
- You walk away from the proceeding with the best possible draft of the transcript.
- Testimony can be issue-coded or categorized as it is occurring.